Leaving people better than they were through recruitment

Leaving candidates better than we found them is a core people recruitment philosophy at MACFORCE. The goal for many people in the recruitment sector is to get candidates into roles and call it a day. Our mission at MACFORCE is to go one better, and to leave people ‘better’ than we found them; it is our point of difference and pride. 

It is a sentiment instilled into the MACFORCE team from our founder, Anthony MacShane. After many years overseeing sites, he witnessed how different people adapted to the work under different management styles and environments. In Anthony’s role, he also got to see people transform into the versions of themselves that they’d always wanted to be.

People Philosophy

MACFORCE also recognises that everyone’s ‘better’ is an individual thing, differing in large or small ways. 

It is something we determine in all the candidates that come through our door. From wanting a promotion, to a job change, to finding employment after a prison sentence, people have their own goals they want to achieve, and we are determined to support in meeting them. 

In the past we have had a couple of candidates go through our process only pull-out just shy of finding their placement – which is completely fine. When we hear that, that they have taken the confidence, training and skills MACFORCE have given them and repurposed them for their use, we win.

Our goal is to give people the tools to take charge and succeed in their lives. 

Whether we hold their hand every step of the way, or not, we take pride in supporting people through their personal employment journey. No matter how different these journeys look, we always manage to leave people better than we found them through our three-step formula that changes how people interact with recruitment companies.  

#1 – Information is power 

As the common adage goes, “knowledge is power”. 

In terms of employment, a candidate’s access to information is integral to their success. We often see within the management of an organisation that employees are drip-fed information on a ‘need to know basis’. This method restricts someone’s ability to learn and grow through limiting what they are exposed to. 

When preparing candidates for a role, MACFORCE makes the point to provide them with the insight necessary to form their own opinions. By leveling the playing field to enable candidates to have the knowledge necessary to grow, cultivate skills and transition successfully into a new workforce, our role is vital to supporting their ‘better’ self as a viable employee.  

#2 – Authenticity and Integrity.

One of MACFORCE’s key values is integrity. 

This value means that we do everything purposefully and authentically. The bottom line being we do not sugar-coat anything. Similar to providing information to our candidates to better themselves, we have frank and necessary conversations about their employment goals. For someone who hasn’t experienced FIFO, for instance, we do not go around saying that the work is easy, that the days aren’t hot, that the swings allow for optimum family time.

We’re honest. 

It is this trait that informs a relationship between our clients and us based on trust. This relationship providing the necessary support for them to freely explore the person they want to be. 

#3 – The right culture

A big step in bettering yourself is ‘owning it’ – owning the person you are now, the person you wish to become, and the journey that you are on to get there. 

MACFORCE provides a culture which supports candidates in owning their mistakes and learning from them. It is through our sharing of knowledge, openness and relationships with candidates that we foster a culture which inspires change. 

We pride ourselves on providing a modern culture and support. It is the searching for that support that we identify in our candidates which is the most promising sign of growth. Accepting support propels candidates towards achieving betterment and leaves them as improved version of themselves. 


MACFORCE Australia is a recruitment company with heart, focused on changing the way people are employed in Australia, particularly across the mining, construction and civil sector. MACFORCE supports candidates to find suitable work placements, while supporting its clients to find suitable employees.

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