How to find your working success in mental health with MACFORCE Australia?

As a HR Manager, Seb Kendrew from MACFORCE Australia (MACFORCE) has seen his fair share of burnouts and breakdowns, extraordinary breakthroughs and success in mental health and wellness.

When it comes to work, he shares, there comes a pivotal moment where you must take a step back and evaluate what is important to you, and what you could be doing better to ensure your happiness and success in mental health.

Reflecting on his own working career – and what led him to joining MACFORCE – his moment came when his daughter was born. Choosing to leave his FIFO job to spend quality time at home, Seb re-evaluated what he was doing with his career. He wanted to continue to support his family, but in a way that was simultaneously rewarding to him. The answer? Connecting with MACFORCE to take his practical learnings from FIFO and repurpose them to share with candidates in need of guidance.

“MACFORCE enables me to help others change their life through employment and a steady pay packet. This empowers families directly and as a result the greater community,” Seb said.

Over the past 3 years, Seb has been a pivotal member of the MACFORCE team and has been an advocate for the prioritisation of mental health and wellbeing and pursing avenues that make you into the best version of yourself.

Making the bold choice to pursue a career that suited his working goals and personal life, Seb could say that he has achieved ‘working success’ in mental health. When advising others on making the correct career moves for their lives, he shares the following steps to guarantee fulfillment.

#1 – Establishing your priorities

We all have that ‘shopping list’ of what we believe the perfect life looks like. Whether it is a house, a family, a boat, downtime for fishing, or having a nice ride, they all fall in a certain order. Some appear higher on your list than others.

As a candidate or employee, it is your responsibility to discern which is more important to you. A job that gives you down time for family, or a job that helps you buy that boat sooner?

By going into roles, especially in FIFO, with your priorities in order you can alleviate stress and set yourself up for a future that you are genuinely satisfied with.

#2 – Finding your bliss

In the case of many jobs, including FIFO, Seb says that the immense mental stress effects people’s ability to optimise their career outcomes. ‘Finding your bliss’ is less of a hippy mantra, and more of a way of identifying places in your working life where you can blow off some steam and maintain good mental health.

“I have realised that success in mental health has always been important in the sustainability of a workforce but not discussed enough and so openly,” Seb said.

“Especially now in a COVID era, there are added pressures. We are a second chance employer, so many of our employees suffer from social and personal challenges trying to cope with day-to-day tasks like paying the bills and keeping a roof over their heads.”

To cope with mental stress and exhaustion on the job, Seb advises that we all take it one day at a time and explore avenues to ensure that we are putting our mental, physical, and emotional health at the forefront of our decisions.

“We offer financial, relationship support as well as one on one mentoring and counselling. MACFORCE can also direct employees to psychologists and other alternative help,” Seb said.

#3 – Finding your working success in mental health

Success is the product of several factors, and often looks a little different to everyone.

But if you know what you value in yourself and work, and how to reward your efforts, you are one step closer. We cannot advise you on what exactly ‘working success’ is for you, but as a recruiter and support team, we can help you establish your parameters and measurement for success.

Beyond mentorship and health services that we provide in our recruitment processes, MACFORCE is proud to be the trusted mate of all our candidates.

As a team of qualified Mental Health First Aiders, MACFORCE is ready and prepared to not only support you through your rough patch but advise you throughout your FIFO and career journey.

MACFORCE Australia was delighted to sit down with Mining HQ as we acknowledge and discuss mental health and wellness in the industry. We are proud to acknowledge and participate in the various events around Mental Health this month as we acknowledge it country wide. You can listen to the interview here.


MACFORCE Australia is a recruitment company with heart, focused on changing the way people are employed in Australia, particularly across the mining, construction, and civil sector. MACFORCE supports candidates to find suitable work placements, while supporting its clients to find suitable employees.

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