Make a new job your resolution in 2022  

‘New year, new you, new job’, right? 

For 14 million Australians setting new year’s resolutions for 2022, two of the most re-occurring goals related to improving current work-life balance or finding a new job, according to Finder.  

And while we find goal setting admirable, it is nothing without the measurable actions to get there.  

In our Mining, Construction and Civil industries alone, we are heading into another year of low apprenticeship completion and the continued skilled trades shortage brought about by border closures. This situation won’t change overnight, so we have to start asking ourselves what we can do to support the Australian jobs market and economy.  

At MACFORCE, we have made the resolution to do what we have always done – connect people with skills and training opportunities that lead to employment.  

In fact, in 2022 we are committing ourselves to successfully placing 400 candidates in employment this year. One hundred of which will be direct employment outcomes for our ex-offenders program, that officially kicks off in a few months. 

This, and our expansion into Queensland, means that we as a team have never been as well positioned to connect and work with you to achieve your resolutions. It well and truly is time to say that you want more than just a new job.  

With national borders continuing to open and stay open, we anticipate an influx of clients requesting new candidates for their sites.  

For you, this means that there has never been a better time to pursue FIFO work with the bonus of better pay and guaranteed work-life balance. After all, why settle for a new job when you can have a whole new lifestyle that goes along with it?  

To make your transition easier, we have outlined three small steps to engage and achieve your resolutions.  

#1 Make the commitment 

Like any goal or resolution, you must make the commitment. To those around you, but particularly to yourself. Connect with someone who you can hold you accountable to.  

If you want to purse a new job, connect with MACFORCE. Show us that you are wanting to change, and follow through.  

#2 Take stock  

In following through, you must reflect on the skills you currently possess and what you are willing to do to reach your end goal.  

Are you willing to train for that ticket, or get that first aid accreditation? What do you already have in your ‘candidate toolbox’ that can make you an asset to a company? And most importantly, what are you going to do to package it all to approach an employer? 

#3 Take charge   

At MACFORCE, we have the skills and support to get you through the first two steps, but as the saying goes; ‘you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink’. At the end of the day, you are the only person who can go out and make these changes, get that new job.  

As a business, we are predicting a bumper year with so many opportunities for candidates who are willing to put themselves out there to achieve sustainable, worthwhile employment.  

From the opening of out Gladstone office to some big client wins of the horizon, we certainly have a lot to look forward to this year and would love to have you along for the ride.   

Connect with us today at and let us help you achieve your personal vision for 2022.  


MACFORCE Australia is a recruitment company with heart, focused on changing the way people are employed in Australia, particularly across the mining, construction, and civil sector. MACFORCE supports candidates to find suitable work placements, while supporting its clients to find suitable employees. 

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